Extra Gauges and Gauge Pod

Ford Focus ZX4 ST Modifications - Gauges and Pod - Phil Usher - June 2006


$54.00 OIL PRESS GAUGE 2 1/16

$78.00 WATER TEMP GAUGE 2 1/16

$57.00 FUEL PRESS GAUGE 2 1/16

$30.24 UPS Shipping

$292.24 - Total

Race cars are instrumented differently than street cars - only including what's important to performance.  For example in our race car the speedometer stopped working and we never bothered to go back and fix it but we ripped the whole system apart to fix the water temp gauge.

To better instrument the ZX4 I have selected three gauges and a pillar pod to put them in which I bought from McNew's Automotive.  Sadly McNews lost my order, and my account information - Relationship terminated.


May 25th - Switched Vendor to MyFordPerformance.com - Cost more but the order was processed.
Water Temp.  

While a temperature gauge is present in the focus it doesn't inspire much confidence.  Typical stock water gauges only seem to record noticeable increases when it's already too late to respond.

Oil Pressure. 

Many catastrophic failures are usually proceeded by a dramatic drop in oil pressure and several hundred dollars worth of damage can be avoided if one "shuts it down" before it runs dry.

Fuel Pressure. 

I'm actually not sure how useful this gauge will be but there was a spot open in the pillar so I thought I would put something in it!

Purchase Error - This is wrong part

June 14th - Pod and gauges have arrived. I'll try having them fitted sometime in the week of June 26th.

June 27th - Pod and gauges not fitted today.  Fuel Pressure is wrong type I need an electronic gauge not a mechanical one.  Water Temp - NPR were not sure where they should take temp from and some parts (T) is needed for the Oil Pressure gauge.  I decided that rather than pay NPR staff to research this I would do it myself.  See Gauge Problems - 2.3L?







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